Keeping deer from eating your garden
by Hunter
Over the years I have had to deal with deer eatting my gardens and have come up with some ways of at least making it not worth their while. A few of the things that I have used are as follows.
1) Eggs and dish soap. I put three or four eggs in a blender with some dish soap once mixed I add to a watering can with the rest filled with water. Then I cover the pole beans that are growing on my fencing. If I keep up with this every week or more if heavy rains and watering I find that the deer will leave them alone. I have also used this methode in open gardens and have had simular resaults. works well on bunnies and bugs to.
2) mouse traps and peanut butter. Take a dozen or so mouse traps and drill holes to run a wire through and hand them about two feet off the ground. deer love peanut butter but are not to fond of the mouse traps hitting their nose. The same idea can be used with an electric fence by smearing the peanut butter on the wire for the deer to lick off.
3) fencing, I have used the high 6ft fence with good resaults
4) deer follow trails at least to get into your garden area, if you remove as many theings that the deer nibble on around the edges and use tactics around the boarder of your land in will help reduce the number of deer that cross your land. Trim lower limbs that deer eat on and find cover in. If you have dogs use there droppings up and down the trails the deer have been using to get onto your land. supply the deer with something they like that draws them away from your garden area. Create obsticals.
5) Motion activated lights and radio. It is nice to have the lights turn on and a radio play when you are enjoying the garden in the evening hours but with it on a motion activated system the deer will be surprised. To set this up get a two light motion activated light unit and one screw in outlet to plug in a radio ot tape player.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Minnesota Preppers Roll Call - All Preppers Please Check In
The American Preppers Network is conducting a network-wide roll call. Whether you are a member or not please check in and let us know what you are doing to prepare.
This is a good opportunity to network with other preppers near you.
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This is a good opportunity to network with other preppers near you.
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- Reply to the Roll Call and let us know what you have been doing to prepare.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Flood Preps Part 2
"How high's the water, Momma?"
"She said it's four feet high an' rising'!"
Hopefully, not in your basement or living room or attic.
But it does happen to many people every year and I always have to wonder why. Like, why would a farmer build his house on the most fertile soil he has? Never did understand that. Or why locals who know it's gonna get wet insist on building as close to the river or lake as they possibly can. But they do it, and every year pay the price. In actuality, we all pay the price in higher insurance rates and disaster repairs, so no one really wins when a flood hits. Not even the fish. But that's not what we're discussing, is it?
We want to be safe when the disaster hits- not just flooding, but it's that time of year so we prepare for it best we can.
First, about our homes and what's in them. In basements that get only minimal flooding, let's get everything off the floor. Put blocks or some form of feet under everything. If it's paper stuff inside a dresser, how about getting small plastic tubs to keep the paperwork in? Family pictures are always heirlooms, as are slides and film- don't leave them stacked in drawers or cabinets that aren't waterproof. (We won't discuss how I know this.)
First, about our homes and what's in them. In basements that get only minimal flooding, let's get everything off the floor. Put blocks or some form of feet under everything. If it's paper stuff inside a dresser, how about getting small plastic tubs to keep the paperwork in? Family pictures are always heirlooms, as are slides and film- don't leave them stacked in drawers or cabinets that aren't waterproof. (We won't discuss how I know this.)
How about other important papers- birth certificates, marriage licenses (no, just cuz you lose it in a flood doesn't mean you're no longer married, so don't go there!), baptismal certifications- anything that's paper and subject to moisture should be packed away long before a flood decides to turn them to basic paper mush. That house deed you have tucked in back of the drawer won't look all that impressive if it's glued to ten other pieces of meaningless paper. Get it into something dry.
While we're taking care of all the important papers, how about photocopying them now, or taking digital pictures of them? Put the digital files onto your 'puter, make a disk and flash drive copy of them and store those someplace cool, dry and not susceptible to moisture. While we have the camera out, take pictures of your valuables as well: jewelry, guns, kitchen appliances (insurance will want the info, too- so have copies of receipts for everything), and take lots of pictures of Grandma's china collection. And that 1738 Stradivarius. How about the Original Fender Electric guitar you inherited? (Getting the idea?) If you'll ever want to claim some kind of remuneration for loss, you'll need all the proof you can find beyond "the neighbors know". Get it now if you haven't already.
For some reason, people seldom think of their basement getting wet or holding water. It has a drain, right? How come the water sits in it? Well... that little hole in the floor... How about finding- now, while the cost is probably the lowest of the year- some pumps and garden hose with which you can divert the incoming flow to the outdoors? Submersible pumps are not terribly expensive for what they do and what they can save you. Consider, even if it's only your basement that gets flooded, what happens to the furnace when the night temp drops to 20 degrees and you're trying to sleep? Keep that furnace dry and it'll do its job. A sump pump or two can quite possibly keep the heat on. Too, how does the water enter your basement? Do the windows leak seriously big time? Do the wells need drain tile to below frost line? Are the tile clogged with last fall's leaves? Is it leaching through the walls? Why? Would a coat of tar and plastic help? (Summer time job, and a big one, really.) Or does the water rise through the septic drain? Is there some way to block that floor opening if necessary? (Be sure to have sump pumps handy.)
If your basement is prone to serious flooding, get everything you want to keep in plastic tubs. Best bet: don't store damage-able items in the basement.
If your home is low to the ground and water can enter the living floors... how can you prevent it? Can you start packing the sandbags now? Will sandbags work? How about retaining walls? Can you build one (another summer project, and spendy.) Now is the time to get the supplies you'll need, and maybe even have the available help of friends and neighbors. Just think of how much fun it'll be to take the teasing now so you can relax later? (And everyone comes begging you to help them now because...)
About your POV/vehicle.
Is it 'flood ready'? How're the tires? Gas tank full, or no less than half full- enough to get you out of town to a safe area? Is the oil level up to snuff? Do you have a couple of maps in the cubby with several routes color pencil marked routes and alternate routes to safety? Is there a GO bag in the trunk with three days' food and water for each family member? Sleeping bags? A tent? Some form of self defense tools? (Of course, you have your carry piece, but what about the other family/group members? What? Guns for flooding? Yes, of course: we never know what or who we may run into during any kind of calamity.) Is there some form of radio communication in the trunk- with adequate batteries and spares? Some may even want a battery operated tv for news and keeping the kids entertained. Have batteries for it as well. (Perhaps a small Honda or Coleman gas operated generator would fit above the spare tire. OK: Thinking outside the box.) Whatever your plans for evacuation, be sure it's ready to go in minutes. No one wants to forget something because they were in too big a frenzy to think clearly or because the kids were screaming and crying and wanting Fido to sit on their lap.
Speaking of Fido and Fluffy- got some grub in the trunk for them, too? And add more water for them: a dog and cat will drink as much water as you will, sometimes more. Don't neglect them. What other kind of animals do you have to prepare for? Cows? Goats? Sheep? Chickens? Rabbits? (We're preppers, remember?) Spend some time thinking of their safety, too. You won't want to return home to find your cattle eighty miles down the road in Farmer Bill's freezer. (OK, maybe his name is Herman...) Or dead in their pen.
A few links that may benefit us all:
Minnesota Homeland Security website:
National Flood Insurance Program website:
National Restoration Resource website:
Get your prep on, Folks. Be alert, be safe.
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at 24 below...
...Probably the last thing on your mind is water floating your bed- with you in it- from the bedroom to the dining room. But ya know, it's something we should begin thinking about now.
OK, I gotta admit it was the first thought I had this morning, so you can color me 'strange'.
But seriously, with all the snow we've had this year, and more on the way, it's a sure bet the state powers are thinking about their beds floating away, and we should be as well. Up north we've surpassed our yearly 'average' in snow, and March is yet to arrive, and the time we get most of our year's supply. Flooding is going to be a really hot issue in a couple of months, or less, and time for preparing is not when all this snow decides to wash downstream.
With that in mind, I'd like to gather a bit of information into one place so your fingers don't have to do all the walking. Here goes...
...Flood Preparation, Part One... Safety
There are many low-cost measures you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your property from losses.
A FLOOD can take several hours to days to develop.
A FLOOD WATCH means a flood is possible in your area.
A FLOOD WARNING means flooding is already occurring or will occur soon in your area.· Know your area's flood risk - if unsure, call your local emergency management office. (Heck, you may alert them it's time for them to prepare, too!)
· If it has been raining hard for several hours, or steadily for several days, and all this snow starts melting fast, be alert to the possibility of a flood.
· Listen to local radio or TV stations for flood information. (If you know someone who lives in a flood zone, call them and get some intelligent intelligence on the situation in their area- they'll be light years ahead of FEMA or others.)
· Refer to your Family Disaster Plan and assemble a Disaster Supply Kit. (You DO have one, don't you? I know we talked about this before... tsk tsk...)
· Identify where you could go if told to evacuate. Choose several places: a friend's home in another area, a motel or an emergency shelter. (How about your BOL? Make it a training scenario that's real.)
When a FLOOD WATCH is issued:
When a FLOOD WATCH is issued:
.· Move your furniture and valuables to higher floors of your home. (Actually, the time to do this is long before any kind of 'watch' is issued: have it done now so you can relax instead of panic and forget something.)
· Fill your car gas tank, in case an evacuation notice is issued. And don't forget, check the oil and tires.
When a FLOOD WARNING is issued:
· Listen to local radio and TV stations for information and advice. If told to evacuate, do so as soon as possible.
FLASH FLOOD waves move at incredible speeds, can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels- and while they're at it, turn your car into a drifting pile of debris. Killing walls of water can reach heights of 10 to 20 feet. You won't always have warning that these deadly, sudden floods are coming. Flash floods can take only a few minutes to a few hours to develop. When a flash flood WATCH is issued be alert to signs of flash flooding and be ready to evacuate on a moment's notice.
FLASH FLOOD waves move at incredible speeds, can roll boulders, tear out trees, destroy buildings and bridges, and scour out new channels- and while they're at it, turn your car into a drifting pile of debris. Killing walls of water can reach heights of 10 to 20 feet. You won't always have warning that these deadly, sudden floods are coming. Flash floods can take only a few minutes to a few hours to develop. When a flash flood WATCH is issued be alert to signs of flash flooding and be ready to evacuate on a moment's notice.
When a flash flood WARNING is issued for your area or the moment you first realize that a flash flood is imminent, act quickly to save yourself. You may have only seconds.
Flash flood tips...
· Go to high ground immediately- Get out of areas subject to flooding. This includes dips, low spots, canyons, washes, etc.
· Avoid already flooded and high velocity flow areas. Do not attempt to cross a flowing stream on foot where water is above your knees. (Got a walking stick/staff with you? Honestly, though: unless you are absolutely positively certain you can cross even a shallow stream safely, don't do it! Wearing a PFD may not be a bad idea, either.)
· Do not drive through flooded areas. Shallow, swiftly flowing water can wash a car from a roadway. Also, the roadbed may not be intact under the water.
· If the vehicle stalls, abandon it immediately and seek higher ground - rapidly rising water may engulf the vehicle and its occupants and sweep them away· Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognize flood dangers.
· Do not camp or park your vehicle along streams and washes, particularly during threatening conditions.
Next up: Flooding, Part Two.
Be safe, All. Don't wanna lose you just yet, OK?
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
The skinning and gutting of an animal
by founderant
The skinning and gutting of an animal is not one of the things most people like to do or even think about.
We have been so desensitized to what has to be done in order to eat meat, that some kids and adults will eat a hamburger and have no clue about the process and yes... mess, that comes with eating your favorite meal.
This page has some links to videos showing the process, so unless you are going to be a vegetarian, you might want to know how it is done. ... -an-animal
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The skinning and gutting of an animal is not one of the things most people like to do or even think about.
We have been so desensitized to what has to be done in order to eat meat, that some kids and adults will eat a hamburger and have no clue about the process and yes... mess, that comes with eating your favorite meal.
This page has some links to videos showing the process, so unless you are going to be a vegetarian, you might want to know how it is done. ... -an-animal
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
5 Simple Ways To Prepare For The Coming Food Crisis
Activist Post
Recently there has been an incredible flurry of news reporting about food shortages and the pending global food crisis. Everyone who looks at the indicators would agree that this crisis is only likely to worsen. It is estimated that the Australia floods alone could cause a 30% jump in food prices. Although the average shopper already can feel the food inflation, it is difficult to recognize the severity of the looming food shortages. After all, there are still 15 types of colorfully-boxed Cheerios packing the isles, which gives us the illusion of abundance.
The truth is that we are headed for large food production shortfalls, manipulated or not, while middle-class food demand grows massively in the developing world. For decades the world's agriculture community produced more than enough food to feed the planet, yet some now believe we are reaching "Peak Food" production levels. In turn, other experts believe the "food bubble" is about to burst, and not even the biotech companies can save us.
However, there are still vast unused stretches of fertile land that can be used around the globe, and the U.S. ethanol mandates that reportedly consume at least 25% of the corn harvest could be reduced to ease the burden. Therefore, it seems that despite the extreme weather and dwindling harvests, food production still has room to increase, but not without foresight and planning.
Additionally, the current systems for growing food are fully dependent on oil to achieve high levels of production, while livestock production is running at full concentration-camp capacity; the end product must then travel thousands of miles to get to store shelves. Clearly we can see the fragile nature of this system, especially on human health and the environment. Consequently, solving the so-called "food crisis" is far more complex than simply fixing statistical supply and demand issues.
Indeed, these are turbulent times where humanity appears to be nearing Peak Everything
. Ultimately, solutions to the food crisis will begin at the local level. There are cutting-edge farming techniques gaining popularity that produce a large variety of crops by mimicking nature, as well as innovative techniques for small-scale food production at home or in urban buildings. These hold promise for easing local hunger.
Personal ways to protect yourself from food shortages may seem obvious to some, but many feel the task can be insurmountable. To the contrary, here are 5 simple ways to protect yourself from the coming food crisis:
1. Create a Food Bank: Everyone should have a back-up to the everyday food pantry. In this environment, you should consider your personal food bank far more valuable than a dollar savings account. Start by picking up extra canned goods, dried foods, and other essentials for storage each time you go to the store. Also, hunt for coupons and shop for deals when they come up. Devise a plan for FIFO (first in, first out) rotation for your food bank. It is advisable to acquire food-grade bins
to store your bulk dried foods, and be sure to label and date everything. Besides the obvious store-able foods like rice and beans, or canned goods, some other important items to hoard are salt, peanut butter, cooking oils, sugar, coffee, and powdered milk. If you don't believe the food crisis will be too severe, then buy items that you would eat on a normal daily basis. But if you believe the crisis will be sustained for some time, purchasing a grain mill to refine bulk wheat or corn may prove to be the most economical way to stretch your food bank. Some emergency MREs are also something to consider because they have a long shelf life.
2. Produce Your Own Food: Having some capacity to produce your own food will simply become a necessity as the food system crumbles. If you don't know much about gardening, then start small with a few garden boxes for tomatoes, herbs, or sprouting and keep expanding to the limits of your garden. And for goodness sakes, get some chickens. They are a supremely easy animal to maintain and come with endless benefits from providing eggs and meat, to eating bugs and producing rich manure. Five laying hens will ensure good cheap protein for the whole family. If you have limited growing space, there are brilliant aquaculture systems that can produce an abundance of fish and vegetables in a small area. Aquaponics is a contained organic hydroponic system where the fertilized waste water from the fish tank is pumped through the vegetable growing trays which absorb the nutrients before returning clean water to the fish tank. Set high goals for independent food production, but start with what's manageable.
3. Learn Food Preservation: Food preservation comes in many forms such as canning, pickling, and dehydrating. In every case some tools and materials are required along with a good deal of knowledge. If you can afford a dehydrator
, they all usually come with a preparation guide for most foods. You can also purchase a vacuum sealer if you have the means. A good vacuum sealer
should come with thorough instructions and storage tips, and will add months if not years to many food items. If you're a beginner at canning, start with tomatoes first. It's easy and very valuable when all your tomatoes ripen at the same time and you want fresh pasta sauce in the winter. A bigger ticket item that is nice to have for food preservation is a DC solar powered chest freezer
. It is the ultimate treasure chest.
4. Store Seeds: The government and the elite have seed banks and so should you. Seeds have been a viable currency in many civilizations past and present. They represent food when scarcity hits. Before the rise of commercial seed giants like Monsanto, local gardeners were adept at selecting seeds from the healthiest plants, saving them, and introducing them to the harvest for the following year, thus strengthening the species. Through local adaptation to pests, genetic diversity was further ensured; it was long-term thinking at its finest. That is why it is important to find heirloom seed banks and learn to save seeds from each harvest.
5. Join or Start a Local Co-Op: Joining local cooperatives is very important, especially when food shortages occur. You may not be able to provide for yourself completely, especially in terms of variety, so having a community mechanism to spread the burden and share the spoils will be critical. If you don't know if you have a local food cooperative in your area you can search the directory at You may also be able to get information from your local farmers market. If your area doesn't have a co-op, then start one. These co-ops don't have to be big or elaborate. In fact, it may be more optimal to organize it with friends, neighbors, or co-workers. Whether you join or start a cooperative, work to expand the participants and products.
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Recently there has been an incredible flurry of news reporting about food shortages and the pending global food crisis. Everyone who looks at the indicators would agree that this crisis is only likely to worsen. It is estimated that the Australia floods alone could cause a 30% jump in food prices. Although the average shopper already can feel the food inflation, it is difficult to recognize the severity of the looming food shortages. After all, there are still 15 types of colorfully-boxed Cheerios packing the isles, which gives us the illusion of abundance.
The truth is that we are headed for large food production shortfalls, manipulated or not, while middle-class food demand grows massively in the developing world. For decades the world's agriculture community produced more than enough food to feed the planet, yet some now believe we are reaching "Peak Food" production levels. In turn, other experts believe the "food bubble" is about to burst, and not even the biotech companies can save us.
However, there are still vast unused stretches of fertile land that can be used around the globe, and the U.S. ethanol mandates that reportedly consume at least 25% of the corn harvest could be reduced to ease the burden. Therefore, it seems that despite the extreme weather and dwindling harvests, food production still has room to increase, but not without foresight and planning.
Additionally, the current systems for growing food are fully dependent on oil to achieve high levels of production, while livestock production is running at full concentration-camp capacity; the end product must then travel thousands of miles to get to store shelves. Clearly we can see the fragile nature of this system, especially on human health and the environment. Consequently, solving the so-called "food crisis" is far more complex than simply fixing statistical supply and demand issues.
Indeed, these are turbulent times where humanity appears to be nearing Peak Everything
Personal ways to protect yourself from food shortages may seem obvious to some, but many feel the task can be insurmountable. To the contrary, here are 5 simple ways to protect yourself from the coming food crisis:
1. Create a Food Bank: Everyone should have a back-up to the everyday food pantry. In this environment, you should consider your personal food bank far more valuable than a dollar savings account. Start by picking up extra canned goods, dried foods, and other essentials for storage each time you go to the store. Also, hunt for coupons and shop for deals when they come up. Devise a plan for FIFO (first in, first out) rotation for your food bank. It is advisable to acquire food-grade bins
2. Produce Your Own Food: Having some capacity to produce your own food will simply become a necessity as the food system crumbles. If you don't know much about gardening, then start small with a few garden boxes for tomatoes, herbs, or sprouting and keep expanding to the limits of your garden. And for goodness sakes, get some chickens. They are a supremely easy animal to maintain and come with endless benefits from providing eggs and meat, to eating bugs and producing rich manure. Five laying hens will ensure good cheap protein for the whole family. If you have limited growing space, there are brilliant aquaculture systems that can produce an abundance of fish and vegetables in a small area. Aquaponics is a contained organic hydroponic system where the fertilized waste water from the fish tank is pumped through the vegetable growing trays which absorb the nutrients before returning clean water to the fish tank. Set high goals for independent food production, but start with what's manageable.
3. Learn Food Preservation: Food preservation comes in many forms such as canning, pickling, and dehydrating. In every case some tools and materials are required along with a good deal of knowledge. If you can afford a dehydrator
4. Store Seeds: The government and the elite have seed banks and so should you. Seeds have been a viable currency in many civilizations past and present. They represent food when scarcity hits. Before the rise of commercial seed giants like Monsanto, local gardeners were adept at selecting seeds from the healthiest plants, saving them, and introducing them to the harvest for the following year, thus strengthening the species. Through local adaptation to pests, genetic diversity was further ensured; it was long-term thinking at its finest. That is why it is important to find heirloom seed banks and learn to save seeds from each harvest.
5. Join or Start a Local Co-Op: Joining local cooperatives is very important, especially when food shortages occur. You may not be able to provide for yourself completely, especially in terms of variety, so having a community mechanism to spread the burden and share the spoils will be critical. If you don't know if you have a local food cooperative in your area you can search the directory at You may also be able to get information from your local farmers market. If your area doesn't have a co-op, then start one. These co-ops don't have to be big or elaborate. In fact, it may be more optimal to organize it with friends, neighbors, or co-workers. Whether you join or start a cooperative, work to expand the participants and products.
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