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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cold Weather Rule in Effect

From: rep.ron.shimanski@house.leg.state.mn.us
To: rep_ron_shimanski_list@ww3.house.leg.state.mn.us
Sent: 10/14/2009 3:10:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Representative Shimanski's October 14th Email Update

Dear Neighbor:

Minnesota’s Cold Weather Rule takes effect tomorrow (Thursday, Oct.
15). It protects residential utility customers from having their heat
shut off through April 15, provided they contact their utility to set up
a payment plan. Those who are having trouble paying their heating bills
are advised to contact their local utility company right away.

Here are some energy-saving tips from the Minnesota Department of
Commerce Energy Information Center. Some of these minor things can save
you money this winter. The recommendations include:

● Sealing attic bypasses. The Attic Bypass Guide from the Energy
Information Center will help you locate and fix leaks inside your home
that allow heated air to escape into the attic.
● Turning down your thermostat to 65 degrees while at home and 55
to 60 degrees when away or asleep.
● Replacing your old furnace with a new, efficient model. Look for
the ENERGY STAR label on all new appliances.
● Replacing or clean furnace filters monthly during the heating
● Placing window film on the interior of the leakiest windows in
your home.
● Calling your utility about having a home energy audit and ask
about a budget plan to spread out your heating costs over several
● Keeping radiators and duct registers clean.
● Calling, write or email for our Low Cost-No Cost Home Energy
Guides that contain many ways to help control energy costs all year

Log on to www.staywarm.mn.gov for details about heating assistance
grants, gas and electric discount programs, weatherization help and more
energy efficiency and safety tips. You also may contact Minnesota's
Energy Info Center at (651) 296-5175 or toll free in Minnesota at (800)


State Rep. Ron Shimanski
District 18A
227 State Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155

Sign up for my legislative email update at

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